Our credentials
We don’t think it’s always appropriate to shout about our credentials; our clients engage us to help them drive progress – not shout about our part in their success.
Below is a small sample of our client credentials, to give you a sense of what we do.
We worked with NCG to manage the dignified, phased closure of two subsidiary businesses – leading partnership work with regulators of funding partners; overseeing operational wind-down which enabled students to complete their courses; overseeing engagement with clients, suppliers and partners; and, leading consultation with and support for staff impacted by the closure.
We worked with NCFE, Ofqual and the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to lead the development of six new T Level qualifications – providing programme leadership and management; overseeing engagement with employers, practitioners and training providers; supporting technical qualification development; and, overseeing operational preparation.
We worked with a leading FTSE50 client to help them develop a progressive new strategy for their engagement with the education and employment sectors – conducting market research and analysis, establishing the organisation’s operational baseline position, identifying and assessing areas of opportunity, and preparing detailed advice on implementation.
We worked with a specialist engineering and advanced manufacturing facility to help them assess how they could boost their impact on regional economic development, whilst securing sustainable new revenue streams – conducting market research, assessing opportunities for diversification, and preparing granular advice on implementation options.